Undoubtedly the most impressive restoration shop at the event was a company from Los Angeles called Heroes Motors (

Serge Bueno 1921 Magnat DebonWhen you go to their website and look at the pictures of the bikes that they have restored, you will see what I mean. These are very obscure bikes, and the standard of restoration is museum-quality. I guarantee you have not seen these models in your neighborhood. Some examples are: 1903 Peugeot, 1921 Koehler-Escoffier, 1921 Magnat Debon, 1929 Gillet Herstal, 1925 Monet Goyon, 1928 Sarolea, and 1926 FN.

1921 Magnat Debon motorcycle

1921 Magnat Debon.

This must be the only shop in the U.S. doing this kind of work on these kinds of bikes. Outside of Retromobile, I have never seen anything like this. If you are in Los Angeles, Heroes Motors is definitely worth visiting.

Serge Bueno



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