Manufactured in ITALY.


Engine # 541148


Lambretta is an Italian manufacturer of mopeds, which owes its name to its factory in Lambrate near Milan . It was created in 1947 and ceased operations in 1972

At the end of the Second World War, the Innocenti company , specializing in industrial steel tubes, saw, like the majority of Italian industry , its activity resume strongly.

In search of new markets to extend his field of action, Ferdinando Innocenti turns his steps towards a particular need of the new civil life: popular transport.

Like Piaggio and its Vespa , the scooter will become the main product of Innocenti. The Innocenti house designed its first scooter (called model A) in 1947 in its factory in Lambrate near Milan.

The place gives its name to the scooter and to the brand: Lambretta is an icon within the Mods movement .

This 1966 Lambretta LD 125 is recently restored in Los Angeles, it is in excellent condition, starting and running well.

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